bookham is an established multi-national company and a leading developer, manufacturer and provider of optical solutions. founded in 1988, the company is based in san jose, california and has development and manufacturing facilities in the uk, usa, switzerland and china.<br><br>we are now rapidly expanding our operation in shenzhen to include product process, development and new product introduction, r&d and global supporting functions. therefore we are seeking candidates with relevant experience and a track record of high performance to fill in the positions. voted the best employer of the industry by china fibre optic online in 2005, we provide outstanding career development along with training opportunities in our overseas facilities to successful candidates.<br><br>公司将提供海外培训机会和良好的职业前景。如对空缺职位感兴趣,请将完整的中英文简历发至所述邮箱。并注明应聘职位、期望工资待遇和可上班时间。所述职位(除技术员外)均需良好的英语沟通能力。<br><br>欢迎光临招聘会现场:<br>金领世界2008年3月1日,深圳五洲宾馆五洲厅a53号展位。<br>群英会2008年3月8日,深圳会展中心2号馆展位。